Furbonk prototype pt.2

Furbonk sits at roughly 12" tall, with mottled pink minky fur, and green minky tummy. They have weighted polypellets in booty and long flappy arms.
●F U R B O N K●
Furbonks are some kind of elder gods, no one really knows how they came here or what they want. At some point in time their children ended up in human children's recreational toys, although were quickly labeled "creepy" and "unsleeping" even through multiple redesigns and rebrandings. Decades on, only the lucky ones still have the elder god spawn residing in their households, but how blessed to be able to.
A prototype is a early iteration of a project that I've deemed "not quite there yet".
By nature, prototypes are one of a kind and will never be made the same again.
Usually, I will attempt the original idea the prototype came from but differently, and changes can be minor or major, but sometimes prototypes stay on the drawing board and aren't ever attempted again.
Prototypes are always one of a kind and special, but are also always priced lower than my original works.
*All plush made by me are art dolls! As they're handmade they're friends for child hearted adults or big kids who understand Gentle-Special-Thing, but please not for small kids or pets in case someone thinks an eyeball looks real tasty.